About the Blog and About Avvesione

Hello and welcome to Avvesione’s Anime Blog!

The Blog

The purpose of this blog is to write posts about anime currently airing in Japan.  A few of these anime are selected to be followed closely and have posts written about every episode.  Others are placed together in weekly posts that are written in similar style but much more concise and simple.  Unfortunately not every anime is covered in this blog but you can check out my blogroll to find several other anime blogs that might have what you’re looking for.

The focus of writing here is a bit different than other blogs.  Rather than write summaries, synopsizes, or reactions to each episode (something many bloggers can do much better than I can), I try to write topics that are of particular interest to me.  Most posts end up being topics that are tangential to the episode and explore various matters in various subjects.  Often times I will come up with a topic you won’t find anywhere else.  Other times, they’ll be the most popular subject of an episode but often go in unique directions or explore other topics.  Every post is inspired differently and written differently which keeps each post individualized, original, and hopefully valuable to read.

The layout of the blog is hopefully easy to navigate with a listing of categories probably the best way to explore the blog.  Recognition of an anime title indicates it was followed for the season.  Other anime are included by season in weekly posts, though first impressions and season reviews show thoughts on the shows overall.  If you’re unsure, the search function is the best option to find what you’re looking for.


I am Avvesione and I run Avvesione’s Anime Blog.  My name is often shortened to Avv, Avve, Avves, or Avvy but any name works fine so long as it makes sense.  Contact information for me is simple with e-mail as the best option.  My address is avvesione@gmail.com

My tastes in anime vary depending on the anime but there are some basic trends that are pretty much constant throughout.  Comedies are my favorite genre and any anime with a strong cast of characters or cast of strong characters usually wins out over anything else.  I have particular interest in the assorted settings anime have and art is always a significant aspect to every show and essential to the medium in general.  There is more information about my tastes and other answers to various questions in my 50 Questions post.  Beyond that, almost every anime is situational.  For an idea on my personal tastes, my anime list at MyAnimeList shows how I’ve ranked the anime I’ve watched on a basic 10-5 scale (not really the best way to show my thoughts on anime but certainly the easiest!).  Check it out: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/avvesione

One final note, please continue to enjoy and support anime.  I hope you enjoy my blog and check out many of the other anime blogs, too.  Your support is appreciated and I want to thank you for spending your time here on my anime blog.

I do not claim ownership to any of the anime, manga, products, or whatever posted here.  I probably wouldn’t even claim ownership of my writing either but please ask for permission before reposting written material from this blog.  Thank you.